Why we Oppose

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So here comes the question: Why Pope Gregory did the change of the calendar?

Answer: Because he found the defined, until then, yearly period mistaken. Because of that the vernal equinox (which concerns the defining of Easter) went down by 10 days with continual falling!

Question: The change of the calendar from the Pope violated the terms of the 1st Ecumenical Synod?

Answer: Yes. That is why Metaxakis and the rest of the innovators did not dare at that time to apply the Gregorian calendar at the movable feasts.

Question: Since the Gregorian calendar was damned and was stepping over unbroken terms, why should be put in effect in the Orthodox Church?

Answer: Because that is what the Pope and the rest of the heretics want it.

Question: With all of this, was there a betrayal in the Orthodox Church?

Answer: YES. (Shout a powerful confessive YES friend reader so you may have the blessing of the Holy Fathers).

This decision of the so called “Pan orthodox Conference” was not accepted at the beginning by any of the Orthodox Churches. The next year and provided that the related political interferences have been made, they were put in effect by the Greek and Romanian Church.

Many may Wonder: Even like this, since with the application of two calendars Easter who was defined by the Holy Fathers at the 1st Ecumenical Synod it remained intact, why is it so important the date of Easter, if for example 5th of April renamed into 18th of April .What does this damages? Is it such a serious reason the change of the date of the movable feasts?

On to this we answer: First the whole subject concerns the Sacred Tradition of our Church which is forbidden to be alterated.If by times the Sacred tradition was being refreshed then we should not been talking about it and we would follow the downfall of the Protestants whom have completely denied the Sacred Tradition.

We must know that the Holy Bible and the sacred tradition are two unmovable pillars that they hold the mighty Orthodox Church. If we deprive the Holy Bible against the Sacred Tradition then we fall over to the Papism, whom for them to enforce their dogmas they put in front the Unmistaken of the Pope and they twist the sacred scripts. If again we degrade the Holy Tradition against the Holy Bible then we put ourselves with the Protestants whom they deny the Sacred Tradition in favor of upholding their fallacy.

Even by not counting these it is not possible to deprive or alternate in times the sacred tradition according with the wishes of some disrespectful. Neither certainly selectively to use it wherever it suits us and use it when where it opposes our fallacies to ignore it. For example :for us that we remain in the Paternal receptiveness the Newcalendarists consider us out of the Church ,schism being ,heretics and whatever each of them think of calling us. With what standards do they attribute us these unjust blames?

By using obviously the miscomprehended Sacred Tradition of our Church. For their warfare against us that is, they use the Sacred Tradition whom they deprived so much and breached. Their dark plans don’t hesitate although to contradict it, manipulate and a lot of times to nullify it!

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