Why we Oppose
As an indication we report some of the blasphemous innovations of them. The heresy of FILIOQUE meaning ,the provenance of the Holy Spirit also from the Son, against the explicit Sunday voice “the after the father provenance”(John. 15’) .At the 10th century they replaced the in the Holy Mass the leavened bread with the unleavened ,while at the 12th century they limited ,the performance of the Holy Unction only to the deceased .One century later ,they transfer the mystery of the chrism at the twelfth year of the baptized child ,at the 14th century ,they replaced the type of the mystery of the Baptism to aspersion.
Minus these ,casting the time more every peremptory and heretical dogma have been raised from the Papal’s ,like the dogma of the purgatory fire and the expunge of the sins from the left over of the saints worthy-pays ,in 1870 they declared the extreme fallacy which is the papal infallibity. The superficial stance of the Papal’s and the pursuit to conquer every dominion made mundane the spiritual identity of them and put the authority of the godbreathen scripts under the wisdom of the science.
In front of these aberrations from the true faith and being actuated by the worldly spirit the Papal’s, did not prolonged to work with the astronomy. So at 1582 they changed the then in effect Julian calendar with a new one ,named from the enforcer to it Pope Gregory 13th ,”Gregorian”. This calendaric reform –according with the Papal’s- had as a goal the perfection of the then false time counting. To ensure supposedly of time preciseness, they didn’t hesitated to step over inviolable terms and overrule without fear of God, an ecclesiastical tradition of fifteen centuries.
Never the less, let us see the famous calendaric adjustments and the year-minded preciseness of the Pope.
The Julian (solar) calendar as we have already reported counts 365 days and 6 (almost) hours every year .Because of the unequal division of the yearly amount of the period ,it was defined that, three years in the row to count 365 days ,the fourth in turn to be constituted by 365 plus one more day. This day is the sum of per year 6 hours that remains. So every four years is completed one timely period of the tropical year.
The scientists although of the Pope’s Gregory 13th, perceived that one yearly time space does not contain 385 days and ¼ days according to the calendar of Julius Caesar but 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes and 12 seconds. According to the researchers of the Pope’s the Julian calendar has a surplus every year (exact) of 11 minutes, 10 seconds and 92 fractions of a second. This difference every 128 (almost) years, accumulates a complete 24 hours, that is a full day.
Thus ,with the calculations of the Pope’s astrologers this surplus of the Julian calendar ,moved the vernal equinox from the defined (21st of March ) under the A’ Ecumenical Synod and thus from the day of the convocation of the A’ Ecumenical Synod until then , the vernal equinox had been withdrawn by ten days that is it was happening at 11th of March .So the 5th of October of that year (1582 A.D ), Pope Gregory 13th ordered to be named 15th of October .So because of this equation it would be another left over ,he defined every 400 years instead of holding 100 leap years to hold 97 to cover the total of the three extra days.
The Gregorian calendar, even though it appears superficially to be more accurate, surely is not perfect. It would have been perfect if every year of the Gregorian calendar was harmonized with the so called tropical year. This though does not happen and it can not happen for two reasons. First because the basic condition for the exact yearly account demands a full number of days that is a total of unimpaired days so the justification of them inside the year to be of equal quantity.
The tropical year although that is earth’s yearly path around the sun does not happen in unimpaired days but with the most recent official calculations (which disagree with the then Papal astronomers) ,for earth to travel her orbit of around the sun and arrive to the point of origin she covers 365 days ,5 hours, 48 minutes and 47.548 seconds. Practically then, we cannot divide the year in same parts with the days of one year. Second reason, that we cannot combine a perfect calendar is the ignorance of the exact time of origin of the planetary objects.