1. «Το Ημερολογιακό Σχίσμα»,”The Calendaric Schism” of the Memorable monk Markos Haniotis. Theological study which is constituted from 310 pages. It is referring about the vice-orthodox enforcement of the new calendar into the Orthodox Church of Greece and defends the Orthodox positions of the Memorable ex-Metropolitan Hrisostomou (Kavouridi) of Florinis. At the end of the book is a thorough biography of the Memorable ex-Metropolitan Hrisostomou of Florinis.It was published in Athens at 1975.
2. «Πάσχα Κυρίου», “Lord’s Easter” of the professor Mr. A.Delimpasi . A tome of 900 pages which has the subtitle “Creation-Renovation-Defection”. The book has a historical structure starting from the creation of man and ends in the trample over the rules and dogmas from the Christian Religions of Europe and of the innovative Orthodox Church.. The study of this scripture is obvious from the 7,500 references which are reported. It was published in Athens at 1985.
3. «Άπαντα πρώην Φλωρίνης Χρυσοστόμου (1871-1955)», “Everything of ex- Florinis Hrisostomu”. A twin publication of the Holy Monastery of Saint Nikodimos which represents a collection of scripts of the Memorable ex-Metropolitan Hrisostomou (Kavouridi) of Florinis. The two tomes have a total of 900 pages. Published at 1997.
4. «Παλαιόν και νέον»,”Old and New (calendar)” of the Hieromonk Theodoritou of Mount Athos .A brief report of the calendar subject-problem and the activity of the Ecumenists. It is constituted by 110 pages and was published at 1999.
5.«Οικουμενισμός: Κίνησις για την ένωσι ή συγκρητιστική αίρεσις» ,”Ecumenism :Movement for the unification or a syncretistic heresy” A brief vice-ecumenistical study of the Bishop Aggelos of Avlona . . It is constituted by 80 pages and published not only in Greek but also in English. Published at 1998 in Athens.
6. « Η αγωνία εν τω κήπω Γεσθημανή» ,”The agony in the garden of Gesthimani” of Mr. Stavros Karamitsos-Gambroulias. It is about a historical remembering of the G.O.C. of Greece, as the author had lived them. It is constituted 500 pages and published in Athens at 1999.
7. «Οικουμενική κίνησις και Ορθόδοξος Αντι-οικουμενισμός, η κρίσιμος αντιπαράθεσις ενός αιώνος» , “The Ecumenistical movement and Orthodox vice-ecumenism the crucial confrontation of a century” of the Archim.Kipirianou and Hierom. Klimentos Agiokiprianiton .A book of 140 pages ,of the series “Contribution for the vice-ecumenistic Theology” ,underlining the vice-orthodox ecumenistic movements of the innovative Orthodoxs. Published in Athens at 2001
8. «Ορθοδοξία και σκοτεινές δυνάμεις»,”Orthodoxy and dark powers” ,of the Hieromonk Nektarios Voriniotis .A book of small size containing 440 pages. It represents a general study of the various vice-christianic heresies and dark powers which seduce mainly the youth. Published in Athens at 2002.
9. «Όταν οι φύλακες προδίδουν»,”When the guardians betray” ,of the Hieromonk of mount Athos Theodoritou . In the 280 pages of the book are published articles and notes in relation with the heresy of the ecumenism and the communal with it .Published in Athens at 2001.