Why we Oppose
Someone, whom perhaps had observed the Holy Mass in a Temple of the Traditional Orthodox Church, maybe has wandered asking himself, why since almost the same worship order is being performed also from the newcalendarists, this variance[2] exists. A newcalendarist believer, asked me once. Since the same letters are read in the church, from us and from you, why you remain opposed? This question comes from a lot of benevolent Christians whom do not know the true reasons of our opposition toward those whom follow the New Eortology.
The basic reasons of this opposition are two. The first is about the participation of the Newcalendarists and everyone who have any communal with them, in the Ecumenism[3]. The second, concerns about the partisan[4] change in the Holy Mass, of the Paternal-Traditional (Julian) eortology, with this from Pope Gregory 13th(Gregorian), because of the internal unity of the Holy Collective and Apostolic Church that we confess in the Holy Symbol, has been divided by two. One with the partisans and the other with the Orthodoxs.
….disregarding then for heretical dogmatics of the Protestants ,the delusion course of them and the infernal goals of them ,they desired the leaders of the Orthodox Church to be place among the great variety of this confessional mosaic of the then so called “Ecumenistical Movement” without counting the mortal wounds that they brought in the Orthodox Church.
Principal of this betraying plan against the Orthodoxy has been the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. The intentions of it appear in the Synodic Encyclical of 1902 ,which was directed to all the other Independent Orthodox Churches and asks them “About the in time being and the in the future being relations between the two big of Christianity vines ,the west’s declared and the protestant Church” and as well for the “how can it ever be possible to predict the goal for it leading rough for now ,the way , to find the points of connection and communion ,or also for the mutual permissible oversight ,until the end of all the labor finishes”.
That is, the Ecumenical Patriarchy with this encyclical unexpectedly brings back matters at which the church had, hundreds of years ago, clarified and solved. And it was proposed by the encyclical to –Listen! Listen! – To become even disregards with the goal of accomplishing the finishing of the labor of the unification with the heretical.
And we ask-So, all those whom believed and wrote this encyclical believed in the genuine of the Orthodox faith? Did they believe that they were holding the unmovable faith of the Holy Fathers? Were they expressioners and guardians of the One Holy Ecumenical and Apostolic Church? – Certainly not. That is, and being so easy, they bargained those that with so many agons had been instituted and upholded by their Predecessors.
Maybe someone can counter-propose saying –but the purpose of this encyclical was the gaining of the opinion of the rest of the Orthodox Churches about the unifying plan and it does not seem in it any positive movement from the Ecumenical Patriarchy position concerning the subject under question-.This justification does not hold although , firstly because as an Orthodox Church the Ecumenical Patriarchy and also the first in the position ,it should have been the subject-guardian of all the Orthodox Dogmas and rules ,which it could hold every other mislead and second after it the latter movements it made (as we are going to see) proves the ulterior motives of it.
And behold the proof. At 1920, it has published a new encyclical, directed to all the Christian Churches, displaying obviously the friendly-protestant positions of it. It also reports this newer encyclical of the Patriarchy of Constantinople eleven ways –or better withdrawals- of the Orthodoxs that it would make possible the approach of Orthodoxs and heretics. Noticeable is also that as the first way=withdrawal, it was proposed the acceptance of a common eortology!