Why we Oppose

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The last condemn of the Pope’s calendaric innovation became at 1904. The unleashed encyclical of the Patriarch of Const/ple Ioakim 3rd expressed the opinion of all the orthodox Churches, denied again the calendaric innovation of the Pope.




Not many years had past, after the last denial of the Pope’s innovation. The suitable persons were found and the Westerners grabbed the chance that they needed. At 1920 it was released by the Patriarchy of Const/ple an encyclical –as we mentioned earlier- which it was appointed at every Christian Churches at West and East that it was underlined the need of approaching the heretics even if some “needed withdrawals” from the side of the Orthodoxs were needed. It was noted also eleven ways-retreats to ensure this “friendship and goodwill «from which the first was considered to be the acceptance of a common calendar.

At the 29th of December 1921, Meletios Metaxakis was dethroned lawfully and by standard means by the Sacred Synod of Greece for the abundance of Ecclesiastical violations and because of the creation of schism. Being dethroned he was elected and put in the throne at 24th of January 1922 as the Ecumenical Patriarch of Const/ple. Under distinctive Synod at 23rd February 1923 he was enforced as Metropolitan of Athens the Archimandrite Chrysostomos Papadopulos ,dethroned and again in the place of the legal Archbishop Theoklitu Minopulu .

With these two major ecclesiastical positions ensured it was just a matter of time to take shape the reforming plans and generally the West’s pursuits at the Orthodox Church. After the establishment of the Metropolitan of Athens Chrysostomos Papadopulos, Meletios Metaxakis tried to form “Pan orthodox Conference», with first subject the calendar.

This conference only as a Pan orthodox could not be described. To it only six bishops (Metaxakis and five more bishops from the Patriarchy of Const/ple), one archimandrite and two lays. So, the ecumenical Patriarchy of Const/ple one-sided, moved to this outrage .He transformed the then followed by the Holy Worship Julian calendar into a Gregory-Julian. That is the Orthodox Church from then on would follow two calendars, the Gregorian for the movable fest, and the Julian for the unmovable ones. With this fashion, Metaxakis and those with him, from one side they kept the terms of the 1st Ecumenical Synod concerning the feast of Easter and at the other side they satisfied the ambitions of the Pope.

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