Why we Oppose

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Moon calendars were used in the past by many nations, amongst one of them the Romans. Although the one that the Romans were using, were more complicated, that is why it has accepted at times plenty of modifications. More dominating were the one of King of Rome Numa Pombilius (715-672 B.C), but with the passing of time, and the various interferences that happen to it, it has created an immense time disorder. And even when they undertake the adjustment of the intercalary days, exclusively the pontiffs, with reference of ensuring the smoothness and the safety of counting the time, the problem was not solved.

On the contrary, each time’s measured interests became the cause of bad and capriciously interference of the intercalary days, with the result of the complete calendar confusion. So at 46 A.D ,the Emperor Julius Caesar ,pursuit to adjust the calendar , by assigning it to the Alexandrian Greek Astronomer Sosigenis.Him ,by observing that any correction in the already problematic calendar would be futile ,he reformed it from a moon calendar to a sun calendar. This new calendar was named in the honor of his founder Caesar,”Julian”.

The Julian calendar ,is carrying every year, 365 days and six (almost) hours .It is divided in twelve months ,from which (at today’s form) ,seven of them number 31 days ,four 30 days and one (February) 28 days. With this sharing, we have a total of 365 days, and a remaining of six hours, which every four years create one full day. This day is calculated at the end of February at the forth year in sequence. So that February has 29 days, that year with this supplement was named leap year. The first month of the Julian calendar, was appointed to be the month January, this calendar was put in effect at the January 1st of 47 A.D.

The Julian calendar dominated from that time in the Roman and later at the Christian world. The Church with the passing of time accepted it, designating the mystical happenings on earth of our Lord Christ and those of Theotokos, the memories of the saints and the holy ceremonies, thus instituting the yearly eortological circle of it, defining the fasts and mainly legislated at 325 A.D, the finding of a day of which it would be celebrating every year the Christian Easter. Generally, it has adjusted the Julian calendar all over the ecclesiastical taxis.




The transition of the center of the Roman Empire under the Great Constantine, from Rome, in a township area called Byzantium in which he had erected the capital of the empire Constantinople (New Rome) and also the care of confronting the Eastern enemies of the empire, all the above had as an outcome the elastic overseeing of the West on behalf of the Byzantine Emperors .This fact, conveyed mutinies and rebellions from a lot of the indigenous barbaric races on the West part of the Empire.

Similar ambitious interests appeared very early on behalf of the Pope’s Throne of Rome, aiming at the ecclesiastical and the political domination .For the accomplishment of those Pope-Caesarian pursuits from the side of the Roman Pontiff’s ,there should be a weathering and many times stepped over many institutions legislated from the Holy Fathers ,a choice that the Pope’s vanity  was indifferent for the thundering penances that conveyed over their heads the contemned and overridden holy and sacred rules.

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