- A confessional treatise has been published in Greek entitled “And the Winds Blew” (Ke Epnefsan oi Anemoi) by Archimandrite Nikiphoros (Nassos). The book is about the connection of the festal calendar innovation to the ecumenistic apostasy. It is well worth reading and very informative on the subject.
December 2008 = “And the Winds Blew”, (Ke Epnefsan oi Anemoi).

October 2008 = Meeting of our Sacred Synod with a delegation from a group of Old Believers.
On October 8 (O.C.) a meeting took place in the offices of the Sacred Synod of members of our hierarchy with a delegation from a group of Old Believers in Russia led by their primate, Patriarch Alexander (Kalinin). This meeting was the result of the communication between a member of our Synod with his equivalent in the above jurisdiction.
The Press Office of the Sacred Synod reported that the meeting had an informational character and consequently no concrete subjects were discussed. Finally, after the exchange of symbolic gifts between the two primates it was agreed to continue the informal communication aiming toward beginning an official dialogue provided this was decided by both parties.

September 2008 = Beginning of the work of the new synodical period.
- On September 23 (O.C.) the established ceremony for the beginning of work of the new synodical period took place in the offices of the Sacred Synod in the presence of all the local hierarchs. As is customary, at the first meeting of each new synodical period there are no concrete subjects but opinions are exchanged, assessments as well as programmatic planning for the new ecclesiastical year. We pray that the synodical work in our Sacred Synod will be fruitful and efficient..

August 2008 = Reception of Clergy
- After their petition to the Exarch of the Balkans, Metropolitan Christoforos of Mesogaia and the Islands, Proto Presbyter Lyudmil Petrov and Deacon Marian Angelov from Bulgaria were received. The clergymen came from the jurisdiction of the independent Bishop Gregory of Colorado whom they had disowned months ago. Their cheirothesia (Forgiving Prayer) was made in Greece on August 4, 2008..

July 2008 = Expulsion of Priests
- Following a proposal from the Exarch of the Balkan countries Metr. Christoforos, the Holy Synod of our Church, according to the proper canon terms, has expelled and erased the Bulgarian Priests Zahariev Nikola and Lyubomir Papo from the catalogues of the clergymen of our Church, due to serious canonical reasons.

July 2008 = What is happening? – the same as always!
- The Colorado party doesn’t seem to calm down. We had decided not to deal with them them anymore, since we have found that no one else does. But, unfortunately, we can’t stand the temptation of the challenge from their part.
- They have published the conversation they had with His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios from whom, as they try to prove unsuccessfully, they have taken the consent and participation in the receiving of an Archpriest. Since the only thing proven in this conversation is the elicitation of His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios’ opinion on the subject, we ask the Coloradians to allow us to publish, in our web site, the recorded conversation also, so as to prove to the visitors of our Webpage thoroughly what we have made known until now, that His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios didn’t have any active participation in the case of Amvrosios.
- As anyone can understand, the question of the Coloradians, up until the end, was: “what is your opinion…”, an evidence that His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios always expressed his opinion. Finally, we have learned from an unofficial information that His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios is thinking to file a suit against those who talked with Him and recorded the conversation.
- Given that the phone-tapping is considered a criminal act from the Greek Justice, in case His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios takes this step, those who committed the phone-tapping will be arrested immediately upon their arrival in Greece.
- We would like to remind you, also, the published letter of our Archbishop Makarios concerning the matter here.

June 2008 = Synodical.
- On June 4/17 a Synod was convened, which dealt with current matters. The Holy Synod ceases its tasks during the summer and it will hold a session again in September. During the last session, a letter towards the leaders of government and politicians was signed by all the Archpriests, making the request for the faithful who bring out reasons of conscience to be exempted from acquiring the electronic cards.

April 2008 = Ordination of Priest.
- On April 20 the Deacon Niphon, monk of the Holy Monastery of Saint Panteleimon in Patra, was ordained to the rank of Presbyter during the feast of Saint Athanasios of Meteoritou. The ordination was performed by His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios, who had ordained fr.Niphon a Deacon last January.
- Ο Ι. Ναός Τιμίου Προδρόμου εις την πόλη του Βόλου προσχώρησε στην Ιεράν ημών Σύνοδο προερχόμενος από την δικαιοδοσία του Μητρ.Λαρίσης κ.Αθανασίου. Εφημέριος του Ιερού Ναού διορίσθηκε ο Αρχιμ. Νικηφόρος Νάσσος.

May 2008 = Accession of a church.
- The Holy Church of Timiou Prodromou in the town of Volos has acceded to our Holy Synod, coming from the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Bishop of Larisa Athanasios. The Archimandrite Nikiphoros Nassos was appointed as the Parish Priest of the Holy Temple.

March 2008 = Ordination of Priest.
- It was known to us that His Reverence of Olympos has proceeded to the ordination of the Priest Fr.Stephanos Usachev from the region of Penza in central Russia. In addition, besides the small community that was created in Moscow, one more community was created in the region of the Urals.