February 2008 = Persecution of the G.O.C. in Russia 

  • We have been informed that government agencies of  “democratic” Russia have not forgotten the old methods of oppressing religious freedom. In the village of Novaya Tolkovka, Penza region of central Russia, the hieromonk, Fr. Stefan Usachev, has endured particularly cruel attacks by Moscow Patriarchate clergy with the collusion of government agencies. After Father Stefan was led before the public prosecutor without any results, the village chairman then ordered the gas cut off to Father Stefan with the explanation that he did not belong to the Moscow Patriarchate, hoping thereby that inclement weather would compel Father Stefan to either submit to the regional patriarchal bishop or die. After all this we have nothing to say other than for Father Stefan to have patience.

January 2008 = Orthodoxon Paterikon Salpisma – “The Orthodox Patristic Trumpet-call”

  • After our petition from the archives of the Sacred Synod the official magazine of our Church Orthodoxon Paterikon Salpisma [in Greek] was granted to us for publication. Because of space we begin from 2004 and will continue with each issue. We hope that this will contribute to the information of our readers. Click here to open the relevant web page.

January 2008 = The Passage of the Newcalendarist Archbishop of Greece Christodoulos

  • After months of illness the New Calendarist Archbishop of Athens, Christodoulos, died on January 15/28, 2008, at the age of 69. He was popular enough but disappointed the Orthodox population many times due to his pro-Papal sentiments and Ecumenist activity. We hope his successor is less “open” to the heretical West.