December 2006 = Synodical Delegate of America

  • The Sacred Synod named as Synodical representative in America the Reverend [panosiologiotaton] Archimandrite Nikiforos Groce, rector of the Sacred Temple of St. Menas, Florida. We congratulate Fr. Nikiforos for his rank and we wish that God will strengthen him in his new duties. For those interested Fr. Nikiforos  telephone number is 305-245-0249.

December 2006 = Depositions

  • The High Synodical Court dealt with the affair of the suspended Ukrainian clergymen Seraphim and Ioannis, whom it found guilty of the accused charges and conveyed the affair to the Sacred Synod to issue the decision. The Sacred Synod taking in consideration the documents of the case deposed the clergymen and classified them in the order of monks.

December 2006 = Synodical Court

  • At the Meeting which took place at the 20th of December 2006 (O.S.) the Sacred Synod discussed the subject of Bishops Niphon and Arethas who apostasized from our Church last September. The Sacred Synod decided and conveyed the apostate Bishops to the Synodical Court with the charges of division, parasynagogue and blasphemy. It was decided for the suspended Bishops to remain in suspension until the conditions for a trial are fullfilled.

September 2006 = Pastoral Visits

  • Concerning the responsibilities that our Church has for our communities abroad, the following pastoral visits were made this month: His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios, who is the Exarch of Russia visited Moscow and Metropolitan Efthymios visited Canada on behalf of the Sacred Synod.

September 2006 = Ordination of a priest

  • On September 8 the deacon Father Kleomenis Kefalas was ordained priest. The ordination was celebrated by Metropolitan Christophoros of Mesogaias at the festival of the Monastery of the Virgin Mary at Salamis. Father Kleomenis will serve the needs of the southern Peloponnese.

September 2006 = Apostasy of Bishop

  • On September 15 Metropolitan Niphon severed himself from our Sacred Synod by letter and became independent. The Sacred Synod decided at an extraordinary court to strip him of his diocese and every administrative department. The Sacred Synod did not wish for the present to impose the penalties laid down by the Sacred Canons for a renegade bishop but instead imposed a three month suspension so that he might reflect on his action and repent. As was to be expected, Metropolitan Niphon was followed by the defection of Bishop Arethas who belongs to the synodia of Metropolitan Niphon.

August 2006 = Clarification about the Archbishop of Colorado

  • Many visitors of our Web page, sent us messages asking that we answer the recent information that says that the Archbishop of Colorado Gregory linked himself with our Sacred Synod. We communicated with the Arch-secretary of the Sacred Synod, Metropolitan Christoforos and we placed that particular question from which we received the following answer. The subject of a union of Abp. Gregory with our Church was closed months ago with the decision of the Sacred Synod that he was not accepted, effectively rejecting the wish of Abp. Gregory to join the ranks of our Sacred Synod. The visit of the above mentioned bishop to our country was made obviously for pilgrimage reasons. His recent presence at the paternal feast of the Sacred Monastery of Saint Athanasios – Megaron did not constitute an official visit and became after his own initiative so that he could meet His Beatitude, the Archbishop Makarios, who assured him orally of the above mentioned decision of the Sacred Synod.

July 2006 = New Churches under our Holy Synod

  • Two more churches were added to our Holy Synod. One of them is dedicated to the Saints Anargiroi and is resident at the town of Elefsina (20km outside of Athens). This church used to be under the juristiction of Archbishop Chrysostom Kiousis and after a time of being self-regulating was added to the canonical Synod of the Church of the G.O.C. of Greece. Priest to the Church was assigned Archim. Fr. Nikiforos Nassos.
  • The other temple is at the town of Nikaia inside the territory of Athens and it is dedicated to the annunciation of Theotokos (also known as Evagelistria-Karahaliou). The last year was under a separate ecclesiastical jurisdiction until it was recently added to our Church. This Church is temporary serviced from various priests.



July 2006 = A Church Defected

  • The privately owned Church of Saint Marina, which resides at the island of Salamina, had defected. As we were informed, a controversy had erupted between the owners of the Church and the Priests that were doing service at the church, because the Priests were not accepting to give Holy Communion to the newcalendarists which were coming in the Church. Thus, the Church was abandoned from being serviced from our Priests and the owners found acceptance from the Synod of the Archbishop Chrysostom Kiousis into which the joined.

July 2006 = New Clerics

During the last time our Church was enriched with two new clerics.

  • At the 18th of May, the feast of the Apodosis of Holy Easter was ordained at the rank of the Presbyter the Deacon Kalinikos Kelepouris. The ordaining was done by his beatitude Archbishop Makarios of Athens. The new priest was positioned at the Holy Temple of the Resurrection of Christ at Spata.
  • The other ordaining took place at the Holy Metropolis of Mesogea. At the feast of the Holy Monastery of Saint John Prodromos of Kouvara of Attica (24th of June), the Metropolitan of Mesogea Mr. Christoforos ordained at the rank of deacon Mr. Keomenis Kefalas. The deacon Fr. Kleomenis is going to be positioned as a priest at the area of Messinia.