Informed by friends, we read the critical comments posted on the web site “Church of GOC of Greece”
criticizing the contacts of our Sacred Synod with the Bostonites. We are familiar with past Matthewite tactics and behavior so when they say “He lies!” we return the compliment to them.
Regarding this matter, the “CONFESSOR,” as we have stated, is not the official web site of the Sacred Synod and therefore only publishes general information regarding Church events. Our position concerning the heresy of Onomatolatreia is clear from the title. Two Patriarchal Epistles [i.e., of Patriarch Germanos V] are published in English and one in Greek (the latter original epistle is admittedly somewhat illegible due to the difficulty of copying it) which plainly condemn Onomatolatreia.
So what else do you want Messrs. Matthewites?
We found this and published it. If you have other clear and convincing information to send us we will gladly post them and declare our thanks to you.
Now, regarding your thorn’s “on the icon of the Holy Trinity” answer: You once lit a big fire in the Orthodox world from which not only were you scorched but cremated, trying to kindle this same fire in others as well. Fortunately, because the origin of this controversy emanated from the Matthewites, everyone simply crossed themselves and ignored it.
Finally, kindly do not bother us. If you continue it will only force us to review our firm policy of avoiding any confrontation with the GOC.