
Ecumenism in Ireland.

Papism and Orthodoxy…

[ Periodically the Roman Catholic Church has what is known as an “Eucharistic Congress.” This occurs somewhere internationally as does their “World Youth Day.” This convention is designed to instill greater respect for and worthy reception of the “Blessed Sacrament” i.e., Roman Catholic Communion. The next one will occur in Ireland and Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev of the Moscow Patriarchate will give the sermon.” ]
Roman Catholic IEC 2012* launches Ecumenical Programme.
IEC 2012 launched the Ecumenical Programme, a unique element of the 50th International Eucharistic Congress which takes place in June 2012. 
At the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18th-25 January) the organising committee of the 50th International Eucharistic Congress launched the ecumenical programme of the Congress. The ecumenical programme will take place on the first day of the Congress, Monday 11th June. 
The Congress will celebrate and reflect on the relationship of Communion into which Christians are drawn through baptism.
Most Rev. Michael Jackson, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin will celebrate a Liturgy of Word and Water. Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev of the Russian Orthodox Church will preach the homily. Brother Alois Löser, Prior of Taizé, will give a catechesis on Baptism. 
Speaking at the launch of the ecumenical programme, Father Kevin Doran, Secretary General in IEC2012 said: “These concrete expressions of our communion can help to place more focus on the unity which we already have as Christians”. 
The above-linked document on the ecumenical programme for this year’s International Eucharistic Congress notes that the level of ecumenical involvement in it is unique compared to those of previous International Eucharistic Congresses:
While previous Congresses have sometimes included an ecumenical workshop or prayer, the extensive involvement of Christians of other traditions in so many elements of this Congress (preparation of pastoral resources; Congress week programme; youth programme) is quite unique…
Fr. Doran expressed his hope that “these concrete expressions of our communion can help to place more focus on the unity which we already have as Christians”.

The document further notes that the “Liturgy of Word and Water” to be celebrated by the Anglican Archbishop of Dublin will be the International Eucharistic Congress’ principal liturgy on its first full day (June 11). A number of Protestants will also make presentations in the course of the Congress.

*International Eucharistic Congress

Ecumenism in Spain (photo).


By way of Accion Liturgica, which in turn came from LexOrandi.es, comes word of the celebration of the Hispano-Mozarabic rite by the Archbishop of Toledo, D. Braulio Rodríguez Plaza, in the presence of Eastern “Orthodox” Metropolitan Policarpos Stavrópoulos (Ecumenical Patriarchate), celebrated on the feast of St. Ildefonso of Toledo and coinciding with the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.