
Concerning the Heresy of Onomatolatreia.

  • Concerning the Heresy of  Onomatolatreia we have published a letter and an epistle of Patriarch Germanos V in our Library section.
  • UPDATE– We have published one more letter of Patriarch Germanos V concerning the Name-Worshippers (in Greek only).

Germany: video from the “Day of Ecumenism”(in German).

The church where the “Day of Ecumenism” took place in Trier, Germany,  was built by Saint Constantine the Great  (306–337 AD) at the beginning of the 4th century. It is now used by Protestants.


Germany: photographs from the “Day of Ecumenism”.

“Orthodox” Metropolitan Augustine of Germany of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

It has been reported by various sources that “Orthodox” Metropolitan Augustine of Germany of the Ecumenical Patriarchate has violated the holy cannons of the Orthodox Church by receiving “holy water” from a Roman Catholic bishop as well as taking part in non-Orthodox liturgical services during an ecumenical event held on May 5, 2012, at Trier, Germany.

The event was attended by Orthodox Churches, of Monophysites, of Nestorians, of Roman Catholics, of Anglicans and of several other Protestant denominations. The presence of female  “priestesses” was also very much visible.

The Day of Ecumenism (May 5) was established in Germany in 2003 to bring together divided German Christians of various denominations and churches who believe in the Holy Trinity to symbolically celebrate their mutual cooperation. This year thousands of pilgrims gathered in Trier to venerate an alleged robe of Christ. When the various Christian representatives gathered at the Basilica of Constantine they dipped their hand in water and symbolically baptized each other on the forehead with an open hand, saying: “You are baptized in the Name of the Triune God!”


-Click any photo to magnify it.-

-Click any photo to magnify it.-


Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem awards female Lutheran “bishop” (photo).

Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem

On Monday, March 6 /19, 2012, Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem awarded the female Lutheran “bishop”  Helga Haugland Byfugien, from Norway, a Mother of Pearl priest’s cross made in Bethlehem.

Ecumenism holds mighty as it seems.


Moscow Patriarchate Priests Serve Memorial Service for Kim Jong-il.

Propaganda poster of North Korea of the state religion, Juche.

Priests of the Moscow Patriarchate served a panikhida/trisagion (memorial service) in Pyongyang for North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il, who died on December 17, 2011, ITAR-TASS reports. Kim Jong-il was never baptized.
Two Korean priests, Frs. Theodore and John, who studied at the Moscow Theological Academy, conducted the memorial service. Present were Valery Sukhinin, Russian Ambassador to North Korea, with Russian colleagues, and Kung Sok-Ung, deputy foreign minister in charge of Russian affairs.
“Comrade Kim Jong-il left us too suddenly, too unexpectedly,” said Fr. Theodore. “The leader of our country has left this world, but his radiant image and ideas will forever remain with us,” he added.