July 2005 = Summer Synod of Hierarchy.

  • At 3rd of July has taken place the Synod of the Hierarchy of our Church. The synod took place at the Holy Monastery of Saint Athanasios of Fthiotida. At the conference came His beautitude  Archbishop Macarios and their Eminences Metropolitans Kalinikos of Pthiotidas, Efthimios of Salonica, Christoforos of Mesogaia, Philaret of France, His Grace Bishop  Ambrosios of Philipi , and Metr. Agelos of Avlona was represented with a proxy. Among others, the Holy Synod ratified the desicions of past conferences and took desicions about the way the Holy Synod function. With this conference ended this year’s synodical period. The new synodical period will start at September.

June 2005 = Unfair reactions concerning our web – page.

  • Because we want to inform our visitors for the ecclesiastical news of our Synod , we try to collect informations from our High priests so we can be as much precise as we can be. Lately we have seen hesitation to collect information from our Archpriests. Many times their reactions were repeling. We understood that something was going on but we couldn’t recognise the cause.It took some effort and perstistence and finnaly we found out that his Eminence Metr. Nifon, has accused in the Holy Synod the existence of our web-page. We are very sorry for this unjustifiable movement of his Eminence Niphon. For one more time we state that our web-page do not constitue the official expression of our Holy Synod but our own personal initiative. If in our Orthodox voice in the internet we include the Church into which we belong, we did it because of respect to her and for promoting her, just like as almost every G.O.C. has done. This present reaction of his Eminence Niphon of Pireas concerning the Internet we cannot understand. And we state that, because during the time that he was Exarch of America and had under his juristiction priests, and to be presice Fr. Christophoros Johnson and Victora Melechof, whom always had and have web-pages, they were never forbitten to have them. These are what we have to state with a lot of love and respect to His Eminence Niphon.

June 2005 = Another victory of our Chuch.

  • Several months ago the Prosecutor of Pireas for unknown reasons pronounced that the Bishops of G.O.C. do not have the power to issue divorces. The Holy Synod managed to learn this pronounce and reacted instantly and legaly. With a memo that was sent to the Supreme court of apeal asked their judgement on the matter. The supreme court answered to our Holy Synod and decided that contrary with the pronounced opinion of the prosecutor of Pireas, that the Bishops of G.O.C. have the right to issue divorces in the broken mariages that they have made. We have to point out that this justification of the G.O.C. from the state, happened after the reaction only of our Holy Synod, thus even though it concerns all of the G.O.C. it was directed only to our Church

June 2005 = Unorganized withdrawal.

  • With an enclycical the Archbishop of the Newcalendaric Church Mr.Christodoulos revoked the reading of the Apostle and Gospel at Sundays in the demotic. This decision justified the fact that he made an experiment and his experiment failed.

June 2005 = On the steps of the Ecumenists.

  • A scandal has creted mainly in America the mariage of an Orthodox girl with a Monophysite from the Metr. Paul of Astoria. Things got worst when Metr. Paul tried to justify his act saying that he acted according the Holy Cannons and the aproval of the Synod of Kiousis, in which he belongs, adding the Monophysite in the Orthodox Church with Chrism. We are not theologists and we cannot judge the matter. The only thing we know is that is what the Ecumenists do so they may simplify the dogmatic differenses that thay have with the heretics.

May 2005 = Missionary News.

  • With joy discovered that our church expanded in Great Britain. The missionary activity of his Eminence Metr. Philaret of France gave fruits in his neigbor country. Two new apendices in England were added in the body of our Church. The parish of the Dormition of Theotokos, which Fr. Iakovos O’ Grady is responsible of and the retreat of Holy Trinity at which Deacon Markos exercise his monastic duties.

May 2005 = A clarification about our website.

  • We apologize to our visitors for not updating our website for so long. This situation was not created by us, but it was caused due to technical problems, which had suspended our access to the webserver. We confirm that we, the Orthodox youth, are in the bastion of our Orthodox faith, we have agonistic morale and endless disposition.

May 2005 = W.C.C. in Greece.

  • For the first time ever, the World Council of Churches hold a meeting in Greece for an entire week. Most of the five hundred religion representatives were met in a waterfront resort of Attica to state their brotherhood and common way! The reactions for this unseen before appearance in the agiotokos Hellas weren’t especially great. The Holy Synod of the G.O.C with a press release which was sent to all the newspapers expressed their protest to this happening.

April 2005 = The new Chief-Secretary of the H.Synod.

  • During the meeting of the Holy Synod at March Metr. Christophoros of Mesogeas was reassigned as Arch secretary of the H. Synod. As we had informed our visitors, his Eminence Christophoros had resigned last October from the seat of Chief Secretary for reasons of health. Now that he is in good health was able to follow through the decision of the Holy Synod and take over anew he duties.

April 2005 = Condolences of the “Orthodox” Ecumenists.

  • With the announcement of Pope’s John-Paul II, the Ecumenists “Orthodoxs” Primates issued sympathizing messages. To be specific the Patriarchy of Constantinople wrote amongst others “…may rest (the Lord) his soul in the land of the living…” The Archbishop of Albania wished warmly “…the Lord to rest him amongst His saints.”, and the Archdiocese of America stated that knows (who knows from where) that “the missed one is now in the place of the eternal rest”. And even if their expressions of sorrow could be considered as social gesture. Even if the praises they did for the deceased we may say are something common for the dead, but to wish for the soul of the heretic Pope and to confirm that now is in the places of the eternal rest? Perhaps the key of Paradise is in the hands of the Ecumenists and we don’t know it?