December 2011 = New photos.

  • We have published new photos from the Holy feast of St Menas, Victor and Vincent 2011. You may find the photos here.

November 2011 = Reception of the Holy Trinity-Archangels Sacred Convent

  • The Holy Trinity-Archangels Sacred Convent in Peania, Attica, was received into our Sacred Synod. On the Feast of the Holy Archangels His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios, together with the ruling bishop of the diocese, His Eminence Metropolitan Christophoros, officiated at the enthronement of the new Abbess Kalypsasa who succeeded the reposed Eldress Nun Ypomoni.

November 2011 = Photos from the Episcopal Feast of the Holy Monastery of the Brother of Christ.

  • We have published photos from the Episcopal Feast of the Holy Monastery of the Brother of Christ. You may find them here.

July 2011 = With great sadness we announce the repose of the Very Reverend Archimandrite Kallinikos.

  • With great sadness we announce the repose of the Very Reverend Archimandrite  Kallinikos (in the world Constantin Necatu), Abbot of the Monastery of St. George, Dambovita, Bulgaria. Father Kallinikos was an engineer and after retirement founded the Monastery of  Saint George in his birthplace. Father Kallinikos was tonsured a monk by His Eminence Metropolitan Christophoros, who gave him the name of the president, at the time, of our Sacred Synod, His Eminence Metropolitan Kallinikos of  Fthiotis and Thavmakos.
  • Their patron saint is St. Kallinikos of Constantinople. He was then ordained hierodeacon and hieromonk. His Beatitude the Archbishop and Metropolitan Christophoros appointed him abbot as well as protosingelos. Despite many temptations, Father Kallinikos was and remained till the end a staunch minister of the True Orthodox Church headed by His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios. A good trip and a good paradise venerable Father Kallinikos. Eternal be his memory! 

June 2011 = New photos and videos.

  • We have published new photos from the Feast of Sts. Constantine and Helen in the village of Vassilika in Thessaloniki and videos of sermons by our Archbishop Makarios. You may find the photos  here and the videos here (Greek only).

June 2011 = Photos from Consecration of church in Thessaloniki.

  • We have published photos from a Consecration of church in Thessaloniki. You may find them here.

May 2011 = New photos from the Feast of St. Christophoros.

  • You may find them here.

March 2011 = We have published new photos from Pascha 2011 and more.

  • We have published new photos from Pascha 2011 and more. You may visit them here.