Name Worshippers – Onomatolatria
This material is extremely important and parts of it have not been available to the general public for over one hundred years.
NAME-WORSHIPPERS (Name-Glorifiers)
With this name there is a heresy that was first appeared in Russia at the start of the last century. The arrival of name-worshipping to Mount Athos created great frustation among the Russian monks. The Church condemned the Name-worshipping and characterised it as heresy. We publish below the decisions that condemned the Name-Worshipping. Among them the reader can see the fallacy that it distinguishing it and her followers. (The Greek texts below are originals).
- “The Epistle of Ecumenical Patriarch Germanos V Concerning the ‘Name-Worshippers to Mount Athos”, April 5, 1913, you may download it here.
- “Letter of Patriarch Germanos V of Constantinople Concerning the ‘Name-Worshippers to the Sacred Russian Synod”, December 11, 1913 , you may download it here.
- “The letter of Patriarch Germanos V to the Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Panteleimonos -Mount Athos-“ (About Name-Worshippers) , September 12, 1913, you may download it here.
- “The opinion of the -Society of Professors of Theology-“, April 2, 1913, in Greek, you may download it here.
- “The epistle of the Ecumenical Patriarch Germanos V of Constantinople to the Sacred Russian Synod”, in Greek only December 2, 1914, you may download it here.
- “The answer of the Sacred Synod of Russia Concerning the ‘Name-Worshippers“, in Greek only, published originally at May 18, 1913 in the official Russian Church magazine “Church News” and translated in Greek in Church Truth at June 15, 1913 you may download it here.
- “The answer of the Sacred Synod of Russia Concerning the ‘Name-Worshippers“, published originally at May 18, 1914 in the official Russian Church magazine “Church News”, in English, you may download it here.
- “The Epistle of Ecumenical Patriarch Ioakim Concerning the ‘Name-Worshippers to Mount Athos”, April 5, 1913 and “Letter of Patriarch Germanos V of Constantinople Concerning the ‘Name-Worshippers to Mount Athos”, September 2, 1913, both in Greek, you may download them here.