“Baptism” by pouring of a young woman served by the Greek New Calendarist.

So you have a better understanding of what is happening even in countries that are nominally Orthodox, below is the “baptism” by pouring of a young woman served by the Greek New Calendarist Metropolitan of Phillipon, Neapolis and Thassos, Prokopios.

Obviously she could easily have been immersed three times but it is becoming the general practice of baptizing by pouring.

“baptism” by pouring.

This is the case not only in Greece but Russia, Serbia, etc. Babies are placed so that they sit in baptismal fonts with an inch or less of water and the priest rubs them with the water so that they are technicallly damp. These are not real baptisms even in form.

Greek New Calendarist Metropolitan of Phillipon, Neapolis and Thassos, Prokopios.

Whereas at one time the New Calendarists were received into the Church by Holy Chrismation, now they have even lost the form of Holy Baptism and should be actually baptized.

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