- In this heavy climate that reigned in Hellas, our Church celebrated the Sunday of Orthodoxy. At the morning a synodical silitourgo in Athens (H.C. of Holy Trinity –Liosion) and the afternoon the confessional concentration happened in one of the biggest hotel of Athens (Titania). The concentration has surpassed any preceding. The faithful people of our Church filled up the place of the concentration and the places outside of it. So big was the enthusiasm of the people being there that when the names of the Hierarchs were said that they burst in applauding, especially when they heard the name of Metr. Efthimios the people expressed their support to their aggrieved Bishop with prolonged applauding.
Tags: March 2005 = Sunday of Orthodoxy., Μάρτιος 2005 = Η Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας.